Vehicle Structure Tests
For type approval purposes, Eurailtest performs tests to check the resistance of vehicle structure to ensure railway operating safety.
Mechanical resistance of vehicle structures
Contribute to the type approval process of steel rolling stock by checking its resistance.
Tests objectives :
Check if rolling stock built with steel frames (wagons, locomotives, cars) can resist operating conditions
- Conduct tension, compression and pressure tests
- Simulate lifting and torsion
- Perform simulations with different loading conditions
- Conduct tests with specific loads
Tests facilities :
- Lifting track: Loads consist mainly of ballast. Lifting is done with four lifting cylinders (at one or both ends) or at two opposite corners (torsion test)
- Tension/compression test rig: Two cylinders are used to apply compression forces up to 3,600 kN and tension forces up to 2,200 kN
- Strain gauges for strain measurements
- Gauge sensors for measuring forces
- Comparators used for deformation measurements
Accreditations :
ISO/IEC 17025 awarded by COFRAC
Testing norms :
NF EN 13663 – Structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies
UIC 566 – Loadings of coach bodies and their components
UIC 577 – Wagon stresses
B12/RP60 – Tests to demonstrate the strength of railway vehicles – Regulations for proof tests and maximum permissible stresses
Torsional stiffness of vehicle bodies
Measuring the torsional stiffness of a vehicle body structure to ensure railway operating safety.
Tests objectives :
Determine the torsional stiffness of a vehicle structure around its longitudinal axis – for all types of vehicles: Trailers, rail vehicle frames, containers and swap bodies, road trailers
Tests facilities :
- Lifting cylinders
- Force and displacement sensors
Accreditations :
ISO/IEC 17025 awarded by COFRAC
Testing norms :
UIC 530-2 – Wagons – Running safety

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