Tests on Assemblies
Eurailtest offers tests to expertise, check, qualify and analyse assemblies (welded, bolted or bonded assemblies).
Welded assemblies
Check welded assemblies, appraise them in the event of failure and qualify procedures.
Tests objectives :
- Advise and participate in the development and validation of specifications
- Assist in the finalisation process (feedback, failure analysis and fatigue)
- Develop welding records
- Qualify welding procedures
- Verify compliance of assemblies (acceptance record)
- Appraise and analyze failures
- Qualify finishing processes of welding beads
- Ensure the development of finishing methods
Tests facilities :
- Tension/compression and bending machines
- Hardness testing machines, pendulum, optical microscopes, etc.
- Scanning electron microscope
- Portable diffractometer to assess residual stresses
- Electron microscope
Testing norms :
EN 15085 -1 à 5- Welding of railway vehicles and components
EN ISO 15614- Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials – Welding procedure test
Bolted assemblies
Assess, qualify and verify bolted assemblies, analyze their weaknesses and propose solutions.
Tests objectives :
- Qualify bolted assembly procedures
– Study bolt assembly procedures via clamping (on site or in laboratory)
– Study the behaviour of assemblies in revenue service - Check the conformity of products (tooling, nuts and bolts, etc.)
- Fix bolted assembly dimensions
– Conduct failure analyzes
Tests facilities :
- Ultrasonic and strain gauge testing equipment for measuring clamping forces
- Test rigs for bolted assemblies
- « Torque/angle » analyses
- Scanning electron microscopy, micrography, hardness, tension
- COBRA calculation tool
Testing norms :
STMX 810- Recommendations for bolted and screwed connections of components used in passenger rolling stock
ST 001- Fasteners, etc.
EN ISO 898-1-
EN ISO 898-2
Bonded assemblies
Contributing to the qualification of bonded assemblies.
Tests objectives :
- Vérifier des assemblages collés sur revêtement de sol, mastics de vitrage,…
- Réaliser des essais de caractérisation (traction, cisaillement, pelage, vieillissements)
Tests facilities :
- Machine de traction/Compression : essai de traction, cisaillement, pelage, adhésivité…
- Enceintes de vieillissement : chaud, froid, humidité
- Dispositif de chocs thermiques : chaleur avec ou sans humidité / froid
Testing norms :
NF EN 1372- Pelage
NF EN 1465- Cisaillement
NF EN ISO 9142- Vieillissement

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