Instrumentation and remote measurements
Installation of black box type instruments to record various parameters on vehicles in revenue service operation.
Tests objectives
- Deliver turnkey measurement tools
- Instrument on-demand components (axle, pantograph, coupler, buffer, etc.)
- Develop and deliver black box type systems according to need
- Supply reliable instrumented sensor heads (wire sensors, optical fibre, wireless sensors).
- Collect large volumes of data during service conditions for statistical processing
- Specific processing for infrequent occurrences requiring long-term monitoring to locate their geographical position and identify the conditions in which they occur
Tests facilities
- IMC measuring chains (Cronos K60 Cronos Flex, Bus daq, etc.)
- IMC studio, IMC device, IMC Famos.
- Internal data acquisition and extraction software
- All types of sensors
- SPU-Box / QMR-X

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Go to formOur references
• 2007 world speed record (600 measurements – excluding fieldbus)
• Régiolis
• Régio2N ONO (introduction of new measuring chain)
• V360