Dynamics tests
Eurailtest offers online tests to characterize the dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles. Overspeed tests can also be performed.
Railway dynamics
Characterization of the dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles on the track for type approval or development purposes.
Tests objectives :
- Establish the dynamic behaviour of new and modified rolling stock or rolling stock whose operating conditions have changed in relation to a particular track, for all types of vehicle (up to 25t/axle) and at all speeds (up to 574.8 km/h)
- Develop and investigate methods for verifying railway dynamics on all European networks
Test facilities :
- Measuring axles for determining the Y, Q and X forces of vehicles under test (with remote transmission of measuring signals)
- Digital measuring chains for data acquisition and processing
Accreditations :
ISO/IEC 17025 awarded by COFRAC
Testing norms :
- Infrastructure TSI and Loc and Pass TSI
- NF EN 14363 – Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of running behaviour and stationary tests
- NF EN 15687 – Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of freight vehicles with static axle loads higher than 225 kN and up to 250 kN
- NF EN 15686 – Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles with cant deficiency compensation system and/or vehicles intended to operate with higher cant deficiency than stated in EN 14363:2005, Annex G
- UIC 518 OR – Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of view of their dynamic behaviour – Safety – Track fatigue – Ride quality
- UIC 432 OR – Wagons – Running speeds – Technical conditions to be observed
Perform tests in overspeed controlling/monitoring a chosen speed profile and staging points/hold points.
Tests objectives :
- Perfom test by crossing the maximum allowed speed for a rolling stock or an infrastructure
- Record the train cabin environment in audio and video by a camera kit
Testing facilities :
ESVE box

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SYSTRA Mexique
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