Heavy rail / Urban light rail

Air Quality

Eurailtest offers its skills and competencies in characterising environmental performance and air quality regarding workers and passengers’ health, safety and comfort.

Workplace air quality - occupational hazards

Monitor employee exposure to chemicals in the air and contribute to the improvement of workstations.

Tests objectives :

  • Study workstations
  • Define sampling strategies specific to individual measurements
  • Define measurement strategies to be performed the ambient atmosphere
  • Estimate level of exposure to chemical agents present in the air: Particles, wood dust, fibres (asbestos, glass fibres, refractory ceramic fibres), metals, silica, hydrocarbons, gases, etc.
  • Measure concentration of gases, solvents, dust and products subject to heat degeneration in premises with specific and non-specific pollution
  • Establish a diagnosis of compliance (or not) with Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL)

Tests facilities :

Sampling probes

Accreditations :

  • ISO/IEC 17025 awarded by COFRAC
  • Reference documents REF LAB 26 & 28 and LAB GTA 94 technical application guide

Testing norms :

EN ISO 16000-7 and its application guide GA X46-033

French Labour Code – Order and decree No. 2009-1570 of 15 December 2009

French Labour Code – Decree No. 2012- 639 of 4 May 2012 and order of 14 August 2012

French decree No. 2013-594 of 5 July 2013

French Circular DGT 2010/03 of 13 April 2010

NF X 43-050, NF X 43-257, NF X 43- 262, NF X 43-264, NF X 43-267, NF X 43-275, NF X43-294, XP X 43-269, etc.

Workplace air quality - Asbestos

Assist rail industry partners in managing asbestos issues on a day-to-day basis or during specific works operations.

Tests objectives :

  • Help the client in conducting work where there is a risk of expsoure to asbestos
    • Support them in their choice of technical solutions
    • Take the statutory air samples (Labour Code, Public Health Code)
    • Interact with the Unions

Tests facilities :

  • Sampling devices for recording air on operators
    • Sampling devices for recording air at fixed points
    • Intellectual services

Accreditations :

COFRAC according to the NF EN ISO
17025 standard
• Asbestos: COFRAC reference documents
LAB REF 26 and 28

Testing norms :

• Labour Code – Decree 2012-639 of 4 May 2012 – Order of 14 August 2012 – Decree 2015-789 of 29 June 2015

NF EN ISO 16000-7 and its applicationg guide GA X 46-033

NF X 43-269 et NF X 43-05NF X 43-269 and NF X 43-050



Tunnel air quality - occupational hazards

Monitor air quality in tunnels during construction or maintenance work.

Tests objectives :

  • Continuously monitor gas concentrations (O2, CO/CO2, NOx, SO2, H2S) and check that threshold limit values during construction work are not exceeded (alerts)
  • Control occupational exposure to chemical agents (diesel particulates, respirable dust, crystalline silica, metals, etc.)
  • Check air renewal in tunnels

Tests facilities :

  • Gas detectors
  • Anemometer
  • Individual sampling probes

Qualité de l'air en tunnel

Testing norms :

French Labour Code

Circulaire du 9 mai 1985 – Relative au commentaire technique des décrets 84-1093 et 84-1094 du 7 décembre 1984

Arrêtés du 8 et 9 octobre 1987


French circular of 9 May 1985- Regarding the technical review of decrees 84-1093 and 84-1094 of 7 December 1984



Ventilation and workplace filtration systems

Verify that ventilation and air cleaning systems installed in premises and workspaces are compliant with relevant standards and regulations.

Tests objectives :

  • Conduct air quality audits in premises with specific and non-specific air pollution (e.g. offices)
  • Measure airflow rate and/or air velocity in the workplace and in pollutant collection systems at source (e.g. paint booth)
  • Provide technical assistance for the development of gas and particle cleaning systems

Tests facilities :

  • Anemometers
  • Smoke generators
  • Portable measuring devices

Aération et assainissement des lieux de travail

Testing norms :

French Labour Code – Articles R. 4222-2 to R. 4222-18 and R. 4212-1 to R. 4212-7

French circular of 9 May 1985 – Regarding the technical review of decrees 84-1093 and 84-1094 of 7 December 1984

French orders of 8 and 9 October 1987

XP X 43-401 – Air quality audit in non-industrial premises

Underground air quality - Exposure of the public at large

Continuously monitor air quality in railway stations and underground stations.

Tests objectives :

Collect and study concentrations of trafficrelated air pollutants:

  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter)

Tests facilities :

  • SQUALES network (dedicated to air quality monitoring in underground areas)
  • Stationary analyzers
  • Vehicle laboratory
  • Instrument racks (TOEM)
  • GSM connections

Qualité de l'air en milieu souterrain

Accreditations :

ISO/IEC 17025 awarded by COFRAC

Testing norms :

NF X20-380 – Gas analysis – Carbon dioxide analysis – Guide for the choice of the analysis methods

NF X43-044 (June 1995) – Air quality – Ambient air – Determination of carbon monoxide (CO) by infrared absorption – Gaseous filter correlation method

Air quality - characterization of brake shoe emissions

Characterize the emissions from brake shoes during brake tests in the laboratory

Tests objectives :

• Characterize and study the concentrations of pollutants produced by brake shoes (particles, metal, VOC, etc.)
• Provide support for the choice of technical solutions

Tests facilities :

  • • Brake rig
    • Devices for measuring air emissions
    • Intellectual services

Testing norms :

ISO 10780
NF X 44-052, NF EN 13284-1,
NF EN 14385…

Qualité de l'air
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Our references

TCL (Lyon)