Eurailtest and RATP Come Together for Fire Behaviour Workshop
The recent “Fire behaviour day”, which attracted some 60 industrial participants, proved a resounding success. It was the occasion to communicate a wealth of invaluable ideas and information to help them to come to grips with the new European standard EN 45545-2 and offer practical examples of its application.
During the technical sessions, experts from the Test and Measurement Laboratory of RATP and LNE (National Metrology and Test Laboratory) presented case studies conducted in association with industry. A round table made up of Jean-Jacques DINDELEUX, Fire Safety Manager at ALSTOM – Aurélie SÖDERSTRÖM, Design & Fire/Smoke Manager at BOMBARDIER – Arnaud MARCHAIS, Senior Fire Safety Inspector at RATP – Serge METRAL, Manager, Coordination, Standards and Regulations, Rolling Stock Division, SNCF, was held on difficulties encountered in applying the EN 45545-2 standard.
In the afternoon delegates were able to visit the laboratories and discover the equipment used to carry out test under the new EN standard.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you would like to receive a fuller report on the proceedings.