27 March 2017

Editorial – New SEA and BPL High-Speed Lines in the West of France

SEA and BPL: two acronyms in the news!

Behind these acronyms hide the two new high-speed lines currently in the acceptance testing stages in France. Together, they stand for plans to develop the western part of the country by linking Bordeaux and Rennes to the European high-speed network. Eurailtest and its laboratories played an active part in the different qualification tests and are proud of their major role in preparing these new lines for commissioning.

On 3 February 2017, at the end of 194 days of tests, the Eurailtest teams completed their final speed ramp-up run on the South Europe Atlantic (SEA) HSL. A few weeks later, on Thursday 9 March 2017, track and overhead line qualification tests for the Brittany Pays de Loire (BPL) HSL were also completed, a more detailed article on the subject featuring below.

In addition, with the preparations currently in hand for tests on the Nimes and Montpellier bypass, the odds are high that the latest buzzword will soon be CNM.

All these developments in the French infrastructure sector should, however, not be allowed to overshadow Eurailtest’s major rolling stock and international activities. Our newsletter also contains articles on Eurailtest’s contribution to new tests on REGIOLIS wheelslip prevention (WSP) equipment and a flashback to the Middle East Rail Expo in Dubai, an event attended by Eurailtest in what is a rapidly expanding region of the world.

We are also pleased to announce that our newsletter will henceforth feature a new section offering you the chance to share your thoughts with other readers. Feel free to contact us via the social media or by sending an email to contact@eurailtest.com.



CEO, Eurailtest

cyril charbonnet, administrateur eurailtest