Complimentary Laboratory Skills AEF and LEM
AEF and LEM: exploiting complementary skills for dynamic rolling stock behaviour tests
In recent months, through the Railway Test Agency (AEF-SNCF), Eurailtest has been able to perform UIC 518 tests for customers such as PVI, ETF or Donelli. To cater to all test requirements, the skills and experience of two Eurailtest EIG laboratories are henceforth being combined to good effect.
In June 2016, AEF embarked on the process of training the Mechanical Engineering team at the Test and Measurement Laboratory (LEM) to qualify them to perform tests on rolling stock by means of vehicles intended for SNCF. For the LEM team, the first part of this multi-stage process consisted of observing a dynamic behaviour test performed for SNCF in-house purposes. There followed a further two tests in which the teams worked together so LEM staff could gain hands-on experience with such vehicles and adapt their skills. The ultimate goal was to qualify the LEM team to perform dynamic behaviour tests on heavy rail vehicles independently, to supplement their existing light rail and tram-related skills. At the beginning of December, LEM successfully performed its first dynamic behaviour test for one of our clients.
This long training process was designed to ensure the best possible end results and enhance resource deployment. In July, AEF also conducted proficiency assessments on the LEM team.
The teams are currently engaged in the data processing phase. Given the success of this operation, we are now considering further ways of pooling skills and competencies for other future projects.